24 days of Hackage, 2015: day 11: monad-loops: avoiding writing recursive functions by refactoring

Table of contents for the whole series

A table of contents is at the top of the article for day 1.

Day 11

(Reddit discussion)

I often dislike writing recursive functions. Recursion is a form of goto and therefore recursion is, conceptually, the assembly language low-level infrastructure of functional programming, a fundamental building block but not necessarily something I want to see every day.

An analogy: imperative programming in the 1960s was altered significantly when brand new control structures such as for and while loops changed the face of imperative programming by removing the boilerplate of using the low-level goto everywhere; for and while are the higher-order control structures of imperative programming.

In functional programming, recursion boilerplate is avoided through writing and using higher-order functions such as map,filter, foldr, and traverse. The cool thing is that in functional programming, these are ordinary user-space functions, whereas in imperative programming, the control structures are built into the language and it’s typically not so easy to invent your own.

Why would you want to define control structures yourself? I’ll show examples and a useful little library monad-loops that you can use in order to avoid reinventing the wheel.

A sample task

Let’s write a function to simulate a user login process, in which

Here is a literal translation of the pseudocode into Haskell using recursion for the loop:

logIn :: IO ()
logIn = do
  putStrLn "% Enter password:"
  putStrLn "$ Congratulations!"

    -- Use recursion for loop
    go = do
      guess <- getLine
      if guess /= "secret"
        then do
          putStrLn "% Wrong password!"
          putStrLn "% Try again:"
          return ()

Do you like this code? Me, I’m annoyed by having to write that “helper” recursive function just to write a loop.

Comparision with typical imperative style

Compare with typical Python code:

def log_in():
  print "% Enter password:"
  while raw_input() != 'secret':
    print "% Wrong password!"
    print "% Try again:"
  print "% Congratulations!"

There’s a reason while loops were invented in the 1960s for imperative programming. It was to improve the expression of control flow patterns of this form. It would be backwards to return to programming entirely in goto style. (However, this does not mean goto and recursion are bad. Knuth famously wrote an article in 1974 defending the careful use of goto against what he correctly noted was dogma that went to far against goto. The same could be said against any anti-recursion dogma.)

When I teach Haskell, I get embarrassed when people wonder what’s so “wrong” about Haskell that you can’t write straightforward code like the Python code above, but have to pull out the recursion thing just to do something simple. The dilemma I face when teaching is that the thought in my mind is, “But, but, we can have loops too, they’re just not built into the language and you can even write your own using higher-order functions!” while I know that many are thinking “What a crappy ivory-tower impractical academic language, it doesn’t even have while loops”, and meanwhile I also know that you can’t just jump into higher-order functions in the first hour.

Making your own loop

The central mindset of functional programming is that if you see boilerplate, a pattern, then it might be worthwhile to refactor into two components:

So monad-loops provides a bunch of useful combinators capturing common control flow patterns. For example, we can use the function whileM_ for our problem:

import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM_)

The type of whileM is

whileM_ :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m ()

It takes a “condition” that evaluates a Bool (in a monadic context m), along with an arbitrary monadic “body” action to perform, to return a “loop” (the monadic action that returns unit) which keeps testing the condition and performing the body.

Our code rewritten:

-- | No explicit recursion
logIn2 :: IO ()
logIn2 = do
  putStrLn "% Enter password:"
  whileM_ (do
             guess <- getLine
             return (guess /= "secret")
          ) (do
               putStrLn "% Wrong password!"
               putStrLn "% Try again:"
  putStrLn "$ Congratulations!"

This looks better than the explicit recursion, except for the clumsy syntax because our loop “condition” and “body” are just ordinary expressions and therefore need to be parenthesized to be passed into the whileM_ function.

Note that the implementation of whileM is just ordinary Haskell code that abstracts exactly from the structure of our original code, by pulling out the condition and body. Functional programming is all about “extract method”!

whileM_ :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m ()
whileM_ p f = go
    where go = do
            x <- p
            if x
                then f >> go
                else return ()

Improving the syntax

I’ve warned in earlier posts against getting too clever with syntax, so I deliberately presented “normal” syntax above for calling the whileM_ function, to show that it really is normal code, nothing magical. But for those of you who are not already deeply embedded in Haskell shortcut idioms, below are some rewrites into “fancier” syntax, but do exactly the same thing.

The first step to avoid a lot of parenthesizing of expressions is to use the $ function application operator, a trick to enable removing the parentheses of the final expression (the one serving as loop “body”):

-- | With $ syntax.
logIn3 :: IO ()
logIn3 = do
  putStrLn "% Enter password:"
  whileM_ (do
             guess <- getLine
             return (guess /= "secret")
          ) $ do
    putStrLn "% Wrong password!"
    putStrLn "% Try again:"
  putStrLn "$ Congratulations!"

Another step is to use some lifting of operations into the monad using liftM:

import Control.Monad (liftM)

-- | With lifting.
logIn4 :: IO ()
logIn4 = do
  putStrLn "% Enter password:"
  whileM_ (liftM (\guess -> guess /= "secret") getLine) $ do
    putStrLn "% Wrong password!"
    putStrLn "% Try again:"
  putStrLn "$ Congratulations!"

The cost is that you have to understand lifting and the $ operator.

If you’re willing to pay another cost, that of using operator sectioning and the symbolic fmap operator <$>, here’s a final version:

-- | With operator sectioning and <$>.
logIn5 :: IO ()
logIn5 = do
  putStrLn "% Enter password:"
  whileM_ ((/= "secret") <$> getLine) $ do
    putStrLn "% Wrong password!"
    putStrLn "% Try again:"
  putStrLn "$ Congratulations!"

This looks a lot like the Python code, except it is full of syntax that is completely mysterious to a newcomer to Haskell.

Another task: reading and collecting lines

One last example of refactoring away recursion:

Suppose you want to write an IO action for a console application that reads lines from user input until encountering “quit”, and you want to collect all these lines (but not “quit”) into a list:

readLinesUntilQuit :: IO [String]

Here’s a sample interactive session:

> readLinesUntilQuit



Here’s a straightforward implementation, using recursion.

readLinesUntilQuit :: IO [String]
readLinesUntilQuit = do
  line <- getLine
  if line /= "quit"
    then do
      -- recursive call, to loop
      restOfLines <- readLinesUntilQuit
      return (line : restOfLines)
    else return []

This is not unreadable, but there is definitely a lot of boilerplate going on:

Refactoring recursion away

We’ll use unfoldM:

unfoldM :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]

All the work is in the argument, which we extract into its own definition:

-- | No explicit recursion.
readLinesUntilQuit2 :: IO [String]
readLinesUntilQuit2 = unfoldM maybeReadLine

-- | Read a single line and check whether it's "quit".
maybeReadLine :: IO (Maybe String)
maybeReadLine = do
  line <- getLine
  return (if line /= "quit"
          then Just line
          else Nothing)

We can go further in this refactoring, because maybeReadLine intermingles both IO and a pure conditional check of the input line. Parenthesized expressions are often a code smell suggesting a refactoring opportunity.

readLinesUntilQuit3 :: IO [String]
readLinesUntilQuit3 = unfoldM (notQuit <$> getLine)

notQuit :: String -> Maybe String
notQuit line =
  if line /= "quit"
    then Just line
    else Nothing

I like this last version because it decouples the loop, the condition, and the fundamental IO action bringing in more information to use.

A note on testing

If you’ve been following this entire Days of Hackage article series, you may be wondering why I didn’t provide HSpec tests and walk through in test-driven development style. The reason is that I didn’t want to get into how one would “mock out” IO in order to write tests that simulate user activity.


I gave two example refactorings of code to avoid explicit recursion in favor of using combinators from monad-loops. I hope the exploration of refactoring as well as of syntax is useful to those not already familiar with these techniques and idioms. Check out the whole library for more combinators you can use.

All the code

All my code for my article series are at this GitHub repo.

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