24 days of Hackage, 2015: day 6: finding utilities with Hoogle and Hayoo: MissingH, extra

Table of contents for the whole series

A table of contents is at the top of the article for day 1.

Day 6

(Reddit discussion)

It will never be the case that everything everyone will find useful will already be in the “standard library” for any language ecosystem. However, one of the coolest features of the Haskell ecosystem (which wows all non-Haskellers when I show them), is the ability to search for useful functions by type signature, using Hoogle or Hayoo. You can use other criteria also, such as names; this can be useful if you have a guess at what some useful function might be named.

There seem to be two philosophies as far as using other people’s utility libraries (or even making one’s own to share between different projects):

I tend to prefer reuse, but there have been times when I have copied (and even modified) only just what I need, because I don’t want the rest of what is inside a sprawling library that depends transitively on a whole lot of stuff I don’t need. I think this is a granularity issue. Many people have proposed the idea that since we have a Web now, in theory the concept of “library” should go obsolete in favor of micro-libraries, so to speak, maybe sometimes even to the level of single standalone functions, and maybe even having a unique identifier, but this topic is outside the scope of this article. (For just one idea, check out Gabriel Gonzalez’s “The internet of code”.)

The situation is also complicated by the fact that often, so much can be reinvented with only a couple of lines of Haskell code, so why even bother looking for someone’s implementation of it?

But let’s assume for this article that you are interested in finding and using utility libraries. I show how to find some example functions and reach two utility libraries that I use, very cleverly and informatively named MissingH and extra.

List/string example

A while ago I was manipulating strings (I was given String, as opposed to Text or ByteString) and needed to replace all occurrences of a substring in a file path with a different substring. For example, as an HSpec test item for a hypothetical function creatively named replace:

  it "replaces all substrings within a string" $ do
    replace "abc" "d" "123abc123abc" `shouldBe` "123d123d"

Sure, it would not be hard to write code to do this, but why not see if it’s out there already for me to use?

What type should we search for? Maybe

String -> String -> String -> String


String     -- ^ matching substring
-> String  -- ^ replacement for the match
-> String  -- ^ original string
-> String  -- ^ result string

OK, let’s try this type as a Hayoo search. Hmm, the results are not too promising. At the top is some weird undocumented regex thing, and that’s probably not what we want.

An important search technique: make the fewest assumptions

Probably the single most important tip for getting good search results from a type is to make the type as generic as possible: the more type variables, the better, and also use only type class constraints you need. The operation we want is not really string-specific. Rather, it was a list operation. So the real type we want is

Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]

This utility function makes the least assumptions necessary to get the job done, while working for String because String is just [Char] and Char is an instance of the Eq type class. But for the purpose of replacements, we don’t care about whether we’re comparing characters: we only care that whatever element type is involved in these subsequences, we can compare for equality.

The Hayoo search immediately brings up much more promising results than with String, from packages such as utility-ht, MissingH, and extra. pandoc also popped up, but that’s a huge text-processing tool, not a library I would pull in for just one tiny utility function! (Note that pandoc was covered in a 2013 day of Hackage.

The Hoogle search at hoogle.haskell.org search works pretty well also. (Note that the Hoogle search at the old site gives bad results.)

Modifying our tests to check the function with the more generic type

I briefly mentioned refactoring HSpec tests on day 3. Here’s how to test multiple implementations of the same desired function (let’s go with MissingH and extra), and also test replace on different input types: both String (which is just [Char]) and [Int]:

module MissingHExtraExampleSpec where

-- | From MissingH
import qualified Data.List.Utils as ListUtils

-- | From extra
import qualified Data.List.Extra as ListExtra

import Test.Hspec (Spec, hspec, describe, it, shouldBe)

-- | Required for auto-discovery.
spec :: Spec
spec =
  describe "MissingH and extra" $ do
    describeReplace "MissingH" ListUtils.replace
    describeReplace "extra" ListExtra.replace

But the following fails to compile! Why?

-- | Fails to compile!
  :: String  -- ^ description
  -> (Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a])  -- ^ replace
  -> Spec
describeReplace description replace =
  describe description $ do
    it "replaces all substrings within a string" $ do
      replace "abc" "d" "123abc123abc" `shouldBe` "123d123d"
    it "replaces all int sublists within an int list" $ do
      replace [0 :: Int, 1] [100, 101, 102] [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 4]
        `shouldBe` [100, 101, 102, 2, 3, 0, 100, 101, 102, 4]

A note on the critical use of higher-rank types for refactoring

The error message is useful if you know what is going on, but not useful but if not. Yes, we need higher-rank types.

    Illegal polymorphic or qualified type:
      Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
    Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes or Rank2Types
    In the type signature for ‘describeReplace’:
      describeReplace :: String
                         -> (Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> Spec

Higher-rank types are a supported GHC extension discussed in a 2014 Day of GHC Extensions. Higher-rank types are tremendously useful and a feature that is missing from type systems in most other languages.

Briefly, the replace function we want has the type

forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]

where we have explicitly quantified the type variable a so that the Eq constraint applies inside its scope. Read the type as “for all types a such that a is a member of the Eq type class, [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]”. Ordinary Haskell without the extension doesn’t allow you to write down this type as a parameter into some function, because it doesn’t have explicit forall and implicitly inserts a forall for you at the top level for everything, but then that is the wrong scoping for what we want to say.

So we need to add the directive and change the replace parameter type to have explicit quantification, and all is OK:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

  :: String  -- ^ description
  -> (forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a])  -- ^ replace
  -> Spec

I kind of wish type variable quantification were explicit in Haskell, i.e., requiring forall annotations, as PureScript does, because understanding type variable quantification is important for fully understanding what is going on at the type level in languages such as ML and Haskell.

For example, here’s a good article about how to understand the value restriction and monomorphism restriction, which can be puzzling if you don’t have the mental model of what is going on underneath.

The joy of browsing libraries

One thing that can happen if you find a utility function useful, is you can browse around in the module that contains it, or the whole library, just looking for stuff you might find useful in the future. For example, I find Neil Mitchell’s extra pleasant enough (good names and great documentation on Hackage) that I use it when I can, and I recommend checking it out. The GitHub repo of MissingH suggests that it is not really being updated any more, so I’m downplaying my use of it.

In the world of physical books and magazines, I still go to my local libraries and browse both the new book/magazine/DVD shelves as well as the look around on the shelf of an item I find in the stacks to see if there’s something related that I might enjoy checking out.

Digging more deeply

Also, note that if you’re on the hunt for possibly useful libraries, but without an immediate need, you can also find them just by looking at the dependency list that popular libraries already use. I confess that I have sometimes clicked away on dependencies on a Hackage page. If you transitively click around on Edward Kmett’s lens dependencies, you will reach a huge number of useful libraries, because he is the master of the universe of code reuse.

The physical book or paper analogy here, of course, is looking at the references or bibliography to find more things to read.


For day 6, I gave an example of how to search for a function on Hoogle and Hayoo, and go polymorphic for a good result. I recommend using the quality extra utility library.

All the code

All my code for my article series are at this GitHub repo.

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